All stars 7?
Wondering how often the API is updated, when it'll include AS7 data. Thanks!
Wanted to share a project using this API
Hi there,
Do you all need help updating data
Hey there! I just graduating a coding boot camp and hungry for more! I'm knowledgable in Ruby on rails, SQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, and JSON. I actually used this API for my unit one project! If you would like help! Here is my github pages link for reference! https://pages.git.generalassemb.ly/Mrricardom/Astrological-library/
How can I get all queens from an all stars season?
Help with API
Image Url in queens object inside the season/challenge/lipsync JSON
This might be a suggestion, to put the image_url when you generate the data for the season, or generally when you generate some queens data for the challenges, lipsyncs etc. In my case i have to make another request in a loop to get the image_url for each queen, and that makes my application way more slow, than maybe jusst having the image_url "always" available.