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Request denied by WatchGuard HTTP Proxy.

What should i do if i'm getting this kind of error from your website?

Search part of name

Is there any way you can make the API format able to search an individual queen by part of the name? For instance, most people will just type "Katya" in the input considering most people don't know how to spell Zamolodchikova lol. When I just type "Katya", it comes back in the console as an empty array. I used http://www.nokeynoshade.party/api/queens?name=${id} Of course ${id} is just the query selector for the input.

Do you all need help updating data

Hey there! I just graduating a coding boot camp and hungry for more! I'm knowledgable in Ruby on rails, SQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, and JSON. I actually used this API for my unit one project! If you would like help! Here is my github pages link for reference! https://pages.git.generalassemb.ly/Mrricardom/Astrological-library/

How can I get all queens from an all stars season?

http://www.nokeynoshade.party/api/seasons/AS1/queens http://www.nokeynoshade.party/api/seasons/A1/queens The above two options don't work for me, how can I access all the queens from an All Star Season? Also, how can I correctly access seasons with two-digit numbers? http://www.nokeynoshade.party/api/seasons/10/queens I believe returns a different object than season 10 Thank you for your help, having fun using this API for a project!

Drag Names

Can you add the real name of the drag queens?

Wanted to share a project using this API

Hi there, Myself and two others used this API in a final project for a graduate web development course at Northeastern University last fall (2021). It's kind of a fantasy league/social media(ish) site, where users can make "rosters" of their favorite queens, comment on each others rosters, and view info on queens (seasons, challenges, etc). Don't click too fast when using it - you might hit the API limit :). Thought the API developers would get a kick out of it! you can find the site here: https://eloquent-brown-19bc14.netlify.app/ and the source: https://github.com/osbornnick/NextGenDragRace Cheers

Lipsync queens

Hey! I love the API so far and I'm using it for one personal project. I noticed, however, that some data were inaccurate. In the lipsync ID 143, it says Monique Heart when it should be Monet X Change against Manila Luzon. In lipsync ID 122, the queens should be Bendela vs Bebe, not Trixie vs Bebe. In lipsync ID 131 it's not The Vixen vs Monet, it's Mayhem vs Monet. In lipsync ID 124, it's the final lipsync between Trixie and Kennedy, not against Shangela.

Some Queens are marked as Winner in the API for season they didn't win.

Alaska for example is marked as winner even if you see the cast of season 5, but she won only All Stars 2. Same with Chad Michaels. Feel free to give a look at my project for an Idea: http://dragrace.herokuapp.com/

lipsync id 42

Hello, First of all, I love this API! Amazing werk. One small thing I was wondering about- I just noticed I'm getting Latrice as one of the three queens in this lipsync and I think it should be Sharon instead because it is the finale episode of season 4, right? Thanks for the api! Jody

Image Url in queens object inside the season/challenge/lipsync JSON

Hi, This might be a suggestion, to put the image_url when you generate the data for the season, or generally when you generate some queens data for the challenges, lipsyncs etc. In my case i have to make another request in a loop to get the image_url for each queen, and that makes my application way more slow, than maybe jusst having the image_url "always" available.